Saturday, July 27, 2013

Ethiopia Konga Natural Process - Beansmith Coffee

Photo courtesy of Beansmith Coffee. 

Our Notes: 
Natural-processed coffees are often described as having notes of blueberry, jam, mixed berries, etc. This one is different. We truly believe this coffee is what natural-processed coffees are meant to be. It captures the unique flavor of it's own sun-dried coffee cherry, while remaining juicy and even having some citrus overtones. As sweet as can be and as balanced as ever, you might just fall in love. 

Importer's Notes: 
Konga is about four kilometers south of the town of Yirga Cheffe and nearby both Harfusa and Biloya. We've always liked the Konga micro region of Yirgacheffee for both its strong citrus (mostly lemon this year) and supportive stonefruit flavors of peach and apricot, and this year's selections has this, along with nice bergamot overtones. One of the great things about Ethiopian coffees is the complete mix of varietals. It is estimated that somewhere between six thousand and ten thousand varietals exist naturally in these highlands, the origin of coffee. The cross pollination of genetics is totally amazing and when I saw this Donkey with Zebra stripes, I thought that this was this concept in a picture. 
- Jason, Cafe Imports

Click here to purchase this coffee.

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