Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Colombia Los Naranjos - Coffea Roasterie

Photo courtesy of Coffea Roasterie.

Tasting Notes
Soft citrus notes with a creamy, luscious body and sweet, tropical fruits.

About This Coffee
This coffee is grown along the banks of the Los Naranjos river in near perfect conditions all year. The farm rests along the edge of Cueva de los Cuacharo, a 500 square mile biosphere where two mountain ranges converge. The perfect growing conditions are believed to help produce the quality that this coffee offers. This lot is mixture of coffee from farmers who produce similar tasting cups.

Region: San Augustin, Huila
Varietal: Caturra, Typica, Bourbon, Castillo
Processing: Fully Washed and Sun Dried
Growing Elevation: 1350-1900 masl

Click here to purchase this coffee.

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